Cross Section
Each section of the course will include the following units;
For each section of the course there is a generic approach for each one. The beginning will be an in depth research into your chosen specialist areas. You can study these in any order you wish as long as you prepare and plan to cover all of them by the end of the first year. This will then leave time in the second year to specialise in your chosen theme or themes.
The main part of the research will be into historical and contemporary practitioners, supplemented by the study of 'Case Studies' on competitors and potential gaps in the market. Research dossiers will have to be compiled in order to understand how these businesses are positioned in the modern world any why they are successful.
An analysis of where you are in comparison to your research and competitors, along with your capabilities and skill sets will also have to take place. An understanding of your own limitations and abilities will also have to be honestly considered.
The course will look into other Creative Media areas to allow more diversity in the images that are produced, this will include art, illustration, graphic design and media, alongside contact with commercial industry professionals which will be encouraged.
Instructions for every unit
When you have downloaded all of the 'units' via the pdf you will then have to use the 'OUTCOMES' as your 'CRITERIA' and number them accordingly for labelling when you produce each blog of work.
For example these are the outcomes for unit one and what they mean;
Unit content
Outcome 1
Demonstrate a comprehensive approach to the choice of equipment and materials
and their operational skills
The candidate knows how to:
• use a range of camera, darkroom and ancillary equipment competently to
produce final images
• use a range of materials to include traditional silver based materials and/or those
used for computer manipulated images
• identify equipment types and their application and limitations in producing
specific types of images
• identify materials and their uses, advantages and disadvantages
• list a range of materials, their qualities and suitability for specific image creation.
Outcome 2
Develop visual concepts within the photographic medium
The candidate knows how to:
• research and document a range of visual ideas to fulfil a visual brief
• organise, discuss and plan the methodology for image production
• use judgmental skills in order to implement final decision
• evaluate a range of approaches in exploring a visual concept
• identify sources of information and reference material
• identify correct procedure in copyright protection
• select correct procedures when undertaking the photographic assignment eg the
protection of privacy, Model release, photography within royal parks, etc.
Outcome 3
Research and generate image production profiles
The candidate knows how to:
• research, evaluate and organise equipment
• research, organise and acquire material
• select and use suitable methods in order that images that are generated fulfil the
final brief requirements
• evaluate the range of available equipment
• use judgement in final selection.
Outcome 4
Record and produce final images demonstrating a high level of controlled technical
and visual skills within realistic time constraints
The candidate knows how to:
• record images achieving the final brief requirements
• use a range of other skills e.g Darkroom, Electronic manipulation
• use design application in final image presentation
• use presentation skills
Unit 1 Photographic image creation
26 Level 4 Higher Professional Diploma in Photo Imaging (4448)
Outcome 5
Analyse the final image production and the stylistic influences on the final image(s)
together with the impact of these image(s) on modern society
The candidate knows how to:
• complete a report recording the research undertaken and information relating to
the final image decision
• evaluate the function and analyse the effectiveness of the image(s) in terms of the
social/cultural impact and the way the image may be used and document findings
and opinions.
Outcome 6
Demonstrate an understanding of Health and Safety regulations and risk assessment
The candidate knows how to:
• identify potential Health and Safety hazards in the working environment
• identify and record a risk assessment during image production
• describe current Health and Safety regulations within the working situation
– fire
– electrical
– air pollution
– chemical
Therefore for each unit your labelling system for meeting these criteria will be number specific, ie for
Unit 1 Outcome 1 you will label - 1.1
Unit 1 Outcome 2 you will label - 1.2
Unit 1 Outcome 3 you will label - 1.3 ..........
And so on throughout the whole course and its units. 'NO' other means of labelling will be acceptable on this course, so as to make your life (and mine) as straight forward as possible across the board.
It is imperative that you pay attention to the 'Assessment section on your unit', as what is required must be followed exactly in order to meet all the learning outcomes. It is your responsibility to be aware and monitor this at all times as there are alot of different aspects to this course and its requirements over a 2 year period.